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👋 Let me unlock your device!

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👇 Click the button below to launch the app and follow the instructions.

press Enter ↔

First, what's your name?

You can write your first name or a nickname
press Enter ↔

Alright , what kind of device do you have?

press Enter ↔

Does your have an IMEI or Serial Number?

If you don't know what this is scroll down for help
press Enter ↔

Enter your

If you don't know what this is scroll down for help
press Enter ↔

where you are located?

Enter accurate information for your unlock to work
press Enter ↔

Almost done! *

Let us know your email, we will send a confirmation code for your unlock to it!

Great Work !

It's time to initiate your unlock

0% Completed
How to find the IMEI or SN on your device

Step 1: Finding IMEI Number Process: On Activation Lock. Lock your device using the Power Button and Turn is back on. Now you can see the sign saying (i) on the right-bottom screen corner. Click here, to find your IMEI or Serial number, same as on the image below:

Step 2: On this page here, above, select your  model, iPad or Apple Watch from the list. Then in the “IMEI” form, please add your 15 digit IMEI Number, or SN (Serial Number) if don’t see the IMEI and click on the Unlock Now button.

Let's get started!

To go ahead with your unlock we need some more info to send the unlock code to you!

Provide your IMEI/SN

We will identify your device using this Number so ensure a successful Unlock

Ready to Generate Login Details 

A Fresh ID will be Created specifically for your device. Enter this ID into your device to Permanently Unlock it.